de_clan1_mill - A Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike 1.6 Mods Maps Bomb/Defuse de _clan1_mill. Overview. Updates. Issues. Todos ... Adapted Version of the CPL is here: de_cpl_mill This map was created by Chris Auty. Cmdr Joined 10y ago. Offline. 22,547 points Ranked 276th. 24 medals 1 legendary 5 rare. Cmdr. 3mo. What are the ...

de_maps: de_dust2012 de_airstrip de_aztec de_arena_ipt2 de_antishock de_best de_brick_env de_cbble de_chateau de_clan1_mill de_cpl_bomb2 de_dust2 de_dust2_2x2 de_dust2_1337 de_dust2_2006 de_dust2002 de_dust de_dust_ztk de_dustalux! de_dust-forever de_dustyaztec de_inferno de_inferno_2x2 de_italy2de_pf_winter de_piranesi de_priest de_prodigy de ...

de_cpl_mill - A Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6. de_cpl_mill. Not a fancy map but it's used for Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL). Maybe this is a good map to warm up your skills. The author is not known and not sure but there's this map for CS:Source made by [DNv]Cross and the other one is fixed by Extreme_One. This is a resubmittion so don't think ...

Produced a number of official maps for one of the first large prize competitive tournaments – CPL (Cyber-Athlete Professional League) $250,000 tournament. These included: de_clan1_mill and de_clan2_fire. Active in the community, participating in interviews, sponsored events and community gatherings.

de_cpl_strike.bsp de_cpl_mill_spam_spots.bsp de_cpl_mill.bsp de_cpl_fire.bsp de_contra.bsp de_congo.bsp de_cliff.bsp de_clan2_fire.bsp de_clan1_mill.bsp de_cityrush.bsp de_christmas_tree.bsp de_christmas.bsp de_chateau.bsp de_cevo_russka.bsp de_cegs2007b.bsp de_cbble.bsp de_bright.bsp de_bridge_war.bsp de_box_gx.bsp …

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